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FREE Long Distance Calls, Call Everywhere, Anywhere, Whenever you want for FREE!

The New Way of Advertising, More Precise, Focused and Cost Efficient!

Forget Social Media Advertising, We Are More Effective

If you want to reach your target audience every time they make a telephone call, we are the only provider in the world that can offer you such direct penetration.

Trusted by 100s of companies and clients

With FONO, your advertising budget extends beyond a post on social media. Our customers trust us and value us since we always deliver.

Let Our Professionals Take Care of the Rest

Contact our sales team and let us put together a budget friendly campagin that gets you RESULTS!

Professional Advertising Services for Any Industry

If you’re looking to target a specific market, we’re the company for you!

Banking & Finance








How are we so successful in reaching a target market?

We are a telecommunications company that offers an international free calling service and as such have built a massive database of contacts. All users in our platform love the quality of our service and allow us to reach out with exclusive offers from our advertisers.

The Best Telecom Service in the Business

Our voice customers rely on us to provide them an excellent calling service that surpasses all others. We are better than Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, WeChat.

The Best Advertising Service in the Business

Companies trust us since we deliver their message and get them the results they want. We help our customers grow by targetting their specific marget and generating results immediately.

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Campaigns Launched

We’re Ready to Design, Create, and Execute Your Next Marketing Campaign

Feel free to contact us so we can put together a campaign that WORKS for your business.

OFFICE HOURS: 6am – 8pm EST, M-F
Location: Virtual – Worldwide